Never Again! 24th January

Let’s start counting days …


E-learning: 23 September - 11 October 2024 | Moodle platform (online), Netherlands

During this course you will, among a broad range of learning objectives, understand in depth what Artivisim and Storytelling  is, how powerful it can be, how to use it and at the end become an Artivist yourself.

Our course “Teaching Artivism” does exactly that: Through artistic and philosophical know-how, participants will get the opportunity to utilize their creativity as a tool to inspire awareness and motivate genuine change in the world.

More information you may find in the document: Teaching Artivism Syllabus

Do you know what ARTIVISM is?

Artivism is a conscious combination of art and activism and is adopted to demonstrate a productive and value-loaded attitude to engage in social issues through art projects.

Artivism, a union of the terms art and activism, describes the unique approach to apply creative methods to make a non-violent yet ever so efficient political statement.

Main goals of the Training Course:

Dates and Duration of the Training Course

1st to 5th session: 2024 September 23-27 from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm






5th to 10th session: 2024 October 7-11 From 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm






We would like to inform you that depending on your motivation and the % of synchronous attendance at the course we will create a group of people who will be able to take the course, for people who are interested but cannot attend more than 75% of the course it will be possible to use the Artivism training’s materials and recordings of the theory sessions, but will not be able to attend the course synchronously, as the number of participants is limited to ensure a participatory active method of engagement in the course. This selection process will last till the 15th of June. We will let you know if your application will be selected for the online course synchronously by email, one/two weeks before the course starts.

Application Form

Artivism Training organised as part of the ERASMUS+ project "LGBTQIA!+ - Let's Go Beyond Talk: Turn Quickly Into Action!+"

Facilitated by :
Antonij Karadzoski & Galo de la Huerta
Members of project partner organisation Stichting art.1

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Never Again! 24th January

24th of January – the International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust “Every European should learn what happened. How and

24th of January – the International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust

“Every European should learn what happened. How and why the Holocaust took place. To keep the promise of never again “, said Secretary General Marija Pejčinović Burić at the Council of Europe ceremony on Tuesday 24 January, marking the International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust.

Between 1941 and 1945, Nazi Germany and its allies murdered about six million Jews in a genocide which has become known as the Holocaust.[7] The Nazi attempt to implement their final solution to the Jewish question took place during World War II in Europe. The first use of the phrase “never again” in the context of the Holocaust was in April 1945 when newly liberated survivors at Buchenwald concentration camp displayed it in various languages on handmade signs.[8][9] Cultural studies scholars Diana I. Popescu and Tanja Schult write that there was initially a distinction between political prisoners, who invoked “never again” as part of their fight against fascism, and Jewish survivors, whose imperative was to “never forget” their murdered relatives and destroyed communities. They write that the distinction has been blurred in the subsequent decades as the Holocaust was universalised.[9] According to the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted in 1948 because “the international community vowed never again to allow” the atrocities of World War II, and the Genocide Convention was adopted the same year.

